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Table 4 No effect of size variation on the trade-off between fecundity and resistance.

From: The evolutionary costs of immunological maintenance and deployment


Regression Coefficient (Covariate)

Regression Coefficient (Fecundity)

Emergence Weight

-0.002 (p = 0.578)

-2.863 (p = 0.007)

Day 9 Weight

-0.002 (p = 0.384)

-2.649 (p = 0.015)

Weight Gain

-0.001 (p = 0.753)

-2.899 (p = 0.007)

  1. Shown are regression coefficients and associated p-values from multiple regressions of the line least-square means for fecundity and each size covariate onto resistance. Interactions between fecundity and each covariate were not significant (p > 0.4).