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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Late Quaternary loss of genetic diversity in muskox (Ovibos)

Figure 1

Sketch map of Holarctic region in polar view, noting places mentioned in text and specimens sampled for mtDNA analysis. Dark gray area, muskox range ca. AD 1870 [6]; C, cape; Cr, creek; I, island; L, lake; R, river. During the late Pleistocene, Ovibos ranged from western Europe to North America via Beringia. In the Old World, presence of muskox fossils on islands north of mainland Asia presumably indicates that Ovibos was able to extend its range during full glacial times to the subaerial parts of the continental shelf (dashed line). In the New World, in addition to central Alaska, unglaciated areas in the western Arctic Archipelago may have continuously supported muskoxen also, although the finite 14C fossil record for these islands does not begin until about 6800 yrbp [40].

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