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Fig. 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 3

From: Extreme MHC class I diversity in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus); selection patterns and allelic divergence suggest that different genes have different functions

Fig. 3

Amino acid alignment of sedge warbler MHC class I exon 3 alleles of three different lengths, alleles with no deletion, 6 bp deletion alleles and 3 bp deletion alleles. The five most frequent alleles of each allelic length are presented. Deletions are indicated with minus signs (−), the peptide binding region is indicated by grey boxes (inferred from HLA-A, Björkman et al. 1987) and positively selected sites with an asterisk (*). Alleles with no deletion had 18 positively selected sites (PSS), alleles with a 6 bp deletion had eight PSS and alleles with a 3 bp deletion had no PSS

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