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Fig. 4 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 4

From: Expanding anchored hybrid enrichment to resolve both deep and shallow relationships within the spider tree of life

Fig. 4

a - Maximum Likelihood analysis of the 33 Araneae taxa concatenated supermatrix. The dataset comprises 327 loci and 67,870 bp. Black circles denote 100 % bootstrap support; black squares denote bootstrap support between 99-80 %; white squares denote bootstrap support less than 80 %. b - ASTRAL species tree inference based on the Maximum Likelihood inferred individual gene trees from the 327 loci Araneae dataset. ASTRAL analyzes unrooted gene trees; tree was subsequently rooted at the branch leading to the Liphistiidae outgroup. ASTRAL node support values = support based on the RAxML bootstrap support from all trees and all loci. Our preference of the supermatrix inferred phylogeny is likely the more appropriate evaluation of the data at this timescale. Lineages with a different placement between the two outcomes are indicated in yellow. Inset key and colors denote certain historical taxonomic groupings recovered with our sampling. Photographs illustrate a generalized spider lineage corresponding to that region of the phylogeny

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