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Fig. 7 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 7

From: Analysis of the erythropoietin of a Tibetan Plateau schizothoracine fish (Gymnocypris dobula) reveals enhanced cytoprotection function in hypoxic environments

Fig. 7

Viability analysis of 293 T cells transfected with schizothoracine EPOs under hypoxic challenge. a The schematic diagram of the recombinant EPO plasmid. The G. dobula and S. prenanti EPO coding sequences were cloned into the pEGFP-C2 plasmid restriction digested by BamHI and EcoRI. EPO was co-expressed with EGFP. b Due to the lack of proper antibodies against G. dobula EPO, expression of transfected EPO was determined by western blotting to detect the EGFP co-expressed with EPO. Significantly higher expression levels were detected in the cells transfected with Gd-EPO when subjected to hypoxia (<1 % O2). c The boxplots indicate relative cell viability analyses of cells transfected with schizothoracine EPOs under normoxic culture conditions (left) and hypoxic culture conditions (right). Under normoxic conditions, cells transfected with the EPO genes exhibited lower viability than the control cells (left). In contrast, under hypoxic conditions, the cells containing Sp-EPO continued to exhibit lower viability compared with the control cells, the expression of Gd-EPO largely reversed the reduction in viability and reached levels that were comparable to or slightly higher than the controls. Error bars represent the mean ± SE

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